An IoT solution for secure road & weather information

Secure and Accurate Road Weather Services (SARWS) is a research project in collaboration with Verhaert, Imec, Be-Mobile, Bpost, KMI and Inuits.
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Secure and Accurate Road Weather Services is an open innovation project where car data is used as cognitive intelligence to warn about hyperlocal weather phenomena and dangerous road conditions. The project is part of the SARWS Europe coordinated by Celtic Next.


The dependence on road transport in our daily lives has grown at a phenomenal rate in recent years. The use of road transport leads to problems as permanent congestion on highways and urban centers, energy waste, CO2 emissions impacting public health, and high rates of accidents. These challenges are even more pressing if we take into account the weather uncertainties and environmental conditions that may affect driving safety. The main objective of SARWS is to provide real-time weather services that ensure mobility and transport are: more scalable, robust, secure, efficient, safer and energetically sustainable.

Role of Inuits

The challenge within this project is to organise large scale data flows from remote devices. Moreover, these dataflows must be handled with the highest level of security and privacy. Weather dependent vehicle behavior, sensor behavior, and external data are captured by consortium partners, after which we use our Internet of Things platform to organise these data flows.

Consortium partners

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Nicolas Spillemaeckers
Business Developer
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